Your Ward eFocus
Get More Local News - More Quickly
A regular eNewsletter straight to your email inbox from your local Focus Team where you live in Newcastle
Many Newcastle residents tell us how much they appreciate receiving a copy of the local FOCUS newsletter through their letterbox - with local news and campaign updates from their local Liberal Democrats Focus Team.
If you would like to receive more frequent updates on the issues and stories affecting your local neighbourhood, then eFocus is for you - a regular email newsletter sent direct to your email inbox from your local Focus Team. It is formatted to read easily on your computer, smart phone, tablet or other device.
Many local stories develop more quickly than we can report in the Focus delivered through your letter box and the size of the paper limits how much can be written. This is where eFocus comes into its own - the Focus Team can can give more details, more quickly, so you always know what is going on in your neighbourhood. And, just as with Focus, you can contact your local Team if you have an issue that is concerning you.
If you would like to receive eFocus for your area then sign up below.

Sign up to receive regular local eFocus newsletters
Would you like to receive regular updates on stories affecting your neighbourhood? We can send our local eFocus newsletter direct to your email inbox - so you can read it on your computer, smart phone or tablet.