Better Services Before Building More Houses on Great Park
"Planning promises for new local services should be fulfilled before more house building on the Great Park" say local residents
Cllr Ali Avaei is supporting calls by local Great Park residents to ensure that promised services are delivered before more planning permissions are granted. Residents are angry about the existing "significant shortfalls in infrastructure, transportation and environmental protection" despite them being included in the planning permissions already granted for housing on Newcastle Great Park.
Residents and Cllr Avaei are calling on Newcastle City Council to ensure that the services already promised in existing planning consents are delivered before planning permissions for even more housing are granted to developers who are part of the Great Park Consortium. Cllr Avaei said: "The Council needs to ensure that the conditions imposed on past planning consents to build or fund local services are enforced. Without this, local people believe granting further applications will "negatively impact both existing and future residents" including placing "extra strain on essential services" from any increases in population".
Local residents can make their voices heard and help put pressure on the Council by signing the petition below.

Better Services for Great Park before New Planning Permissions
We, residents of Newcastle Great Park are concerned that the council is not enforcing planning conditions for existing developments in a timely manner. We call upon the council not to grant any further planning consent until the infrastructure and services commitments in existing permissions are in place.