Stewardship of the Environment
Newcastle was a leader on environmental issues but 12 years of Labour domination have squandered this lead. The climate emergency demands a rapid response but solutions must be practical and not just favour the affluent.

We need a war on wasted energy
More than 50% of emissions come from publicly owned buildings and systems and from industry, so this must be addressed first. We would role model this as a council by driving down emissions from Council buildings, by use of green energy, by ensuring we reduce waste to landfill, by planting and carbon sequestration and then by partnering with Industry to reduce their emissions. At the same time we must focus on the most energy inefficient homes.
A city with an integrated transport system that makes life easier for people who cannot, or do not wish to, own a car
We all know we can do better, so much here is just not joined up. In the current schemes across the city, cycle lanes sporadically start and stop increasing pollution, and whilst some car free zones are well designed, others create chaos and pollution elsewhere. We need a holistic plan for joined up a public transport system that is fast, reliable and cheap; that makes low emissions possible for everyone, whether this is through low emission buses, better park and ride and cycle schemes, or safe and secure walking routes. Our public transport must become the most desirable way to travel. A single ticketing system that allows you to travel on any part of the system is essential.
Environment friendly homes and communities
The first step in a housing plan for the environment must be to reduce people's need to drive and that is by creating self sufficient communities. Too many areas are missing shops, schools, green spaces or community facilities that you can walk to, this must be addressed in the planning process. For the houses themselves we will ensure all new houses are built with electric car charging points and we will working on schemes to help older properties catch up, such as insulation advice and experimenting with micro generation (heat pumps, solar etc).
We should not put up with the disgraceful quality of air in our city
Schemes are available to reduce the number of vans and lorries on our streets, particularly at busy times. Delivery traffic and public transport can be emission free. Heating systems can be modified. Wherever possible we must increase the amount of green space.(Not as an afterthought but as a priority.) Our health and the long term health of our children are under threat.