Ouseburn Way - Public Meeting

All residents are invited to a briefing by the Reece Foundation, a charity working with the City Council to improve the environment along the course of the Ouseburn and access to it. For details about the 10 year initiative see https://www.theouseburnway.co.uk/
We have arranged for Eric Morgan, one of the Trustees of the Foundation, to give a public briefing at 7pm on Thursday 14th March at the Gosforth Sports Association. You are cordially invited to attend (if you haven’t been to the GSA before, there’s a large car park and the briefing room is on the first floor)
If you’d like to see the draft description of the current walking route in the ward, please email robin.ashby5@gmail.com The map above is from the Reece Foundation. We are concerned that the path of the Ouseburn through Parklands is only a dashed line - it is not being treated as part of its authentic route from Callerton to the Tyne. The spurs to the right and north are already causing concern to environmentalists.