Newcastle Liberal Democrats condemn threat of violent protests in our city

Following the troubling events of recent days in Southport, Hartlepool, and several other towns and cities, especially destruction in Sunderalnd, which appear to be part of a co-ordinated right-wing extremist effort, Newcastle's Liberal Democrats are aware of social media suggestions that far-right protests are anticipated at the Monument in Newcastle city centre next Saturday.
Newcastle's Liberal Democrats Councillors Group said "As Liberals, we are committed to the principles of freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest. We are instinctively uneasy at suggestions of restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
"But in light of this week's troubling events, we deplore any attempt by the far-right to preach a message of intolerance and hate to breach the peace, intimidate the public, and violently attack people and property.
"We must never allow the normalisation of fascist ideology and the far right. We are proud of Newcastle's status as a City of Sanctuary, and stand in support of our country's commitment to liberal democracy, peaceful discourse and disagreement, and tolerance.
"We understand that the police are aware of these reports and hope that contingency plans are suitable to minimise the potential for public disorder. We call for civic and community leaders in our city to stand resolute and united in calling for calm heads and caution, and for restraint and responsibility to be shown by everyone in the city centre this Saturday and next Saturday, whether they be protestors, police, or members of the public.
"The Monument's inscription commemorates Earl Grey's role as an "advocate of peace and fearless champion of civil and religious liberty" and also notes "the people's gratitude for a century of civil peace". Like Earl Grey's statue atop the Monument, Newcastle must rise above the current unrest and political strife and stand fast for civic peace. "